Min I&W / Rijkswaterstaat


Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Waterstaat/ Rijkswaterstaat

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.

Rijkswaterstaat is the executive agency of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This ministry is responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands.

Rijkswaterstaat has the responsibility for three large networks: the national highways, the national waterways and the national ‘waters’. We have had this responsibility for over 200 years!

We focus on a sustainable living environment as much as possible. Other parts of our mission are water safety, sufficient clean water, mobility on roads and waterways and digital infrastructure.

Our slogan: Rijkswaterstaat. Working to make the Netherlands safe, secure, attractive and accessible for all.